Gender Equity: Sports As A Catalyst For Women Empowerment

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Gender Equity: Sports As A Catalyst for Women Empowerment

In this LinkedIn Live session, I invite Alicia Lui, the founder of Women In Sports Empowered (WISE), to discuss with me the opportunity behind sports as a catalyst for equity.

WISE is a non-profit based in Hong Kong that advocates for sports as a tool to empower girls and young women.

In this conversation, we cover how to leverage sports to promote gender equity:

Participating in sports is good for us. Girls who play sports are likelier to report they feel confident compared to those who don’t play sports (source: The Girls’ Index: Girls & Sports) and 74% of senior women leaders acknowledge involvement in sports helps accelerate their careers.

Yet, by age 14, girls are leaving sports at twice the rate of boys (source: Women’s Sports Foundation). Globally, 1 in 4 men do not meet the level of physical activity recommendation to sustain health while 1 in 3 women do not (source: World Health Organization). There are also fewer women leading in sports and compared to men’s sports, women’s sports are less visible in the media, and too often, women and girls have insufficient opportunities and resources to access sports.

Join us to unwrap how sports can be a catalyst for building confidence and promoting equity:

  • Sports as a confidence-builder
  • Lack of women representation in sports
  • Transferrable skills from sports to business
  • Advocacy, education & awareness


Click here to watch the replay on LinkedIn.


Screenshot of the LinkedIn live
LinkedIn Live with WISE


About WISE:

WISE’s commitment is to empower, facilitate, and inspire girls and women to develop self-confidence, demonstrate resilience and embrace their lives through engagement in sports and physical activity.





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