Gender Equity Workshop at the Belgium Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

myself and another lady, the General Manager of the Chamber

Gender Equity Workshop

In this interactive 60-minute session, I talked about the concepts of equity and unconscious bias leading to a discussion about gender equity and why it happens at 3 levels:

  • Mindset: the way we think and are influenced by bias on a daily basis
  • Behaviours: the way we act in potentially harmful ways
  • Culture & Systems: processes in society that condone inequity

The event, hosted on behalf of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion organization Leaders for Good gathered senior leaders across various industries in Hong Kong and opened a discussion about driving change at an individual level and advocating for equity.

Individual action can take different shapes:

  • Self-education: learn about equity, data, gender data
  • Advocacy: champion gender equity in your role and beyond (e.g. talent hiring and promotion, opportunities for public speaking, etc)
  • Feedback: provide constructive feedback when you see or hear inequity

A great resource to understand gender equity and gather granular data is the World Economic Forum, 2022 Gender Gap Report.

This extensive study gives an overview of the current state of gender equity globally and per region and provides country-specific data related to the gender gap, such as pay gap, % of women in leadership, % of women in executive Boards and more.

According to the WEF, it will take 132 years to bridge the gender parity gap if we continue to progress at the same pace we have been going from 2007. The number is significantly higher in some regions.

To find out more about our DEI workshops and webinars, send an inquiry to







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