New book on Amazon: Conquering Your Burnout

Cover of Conquering Your Burnout

Conquering Your Burnout: an actionable book to overcome burnout

In May 2023, Conquering Your Burnout was released on Amazon.

It’s part of the Amazon Series The Lemon Tree, focused on self-improvement

The book provides inspiration and a clear and effective framework to navigate through the challenges that come with a burnout.

Every chapter includes a “What you can do” part to provide actionable recommendations.

Conquering Your Burnout does not replace any professional therapy or support but it’s a resource for anyone feeling trapped in the corporate wheel and can help provide guidance and tips.

It’s available on ebook and paperback.

About the book

This book combines my experience going through burnout in 2020, resources, and recommendations based on what I lived and learned and, more importantly, how I overcame it. My purpose is to show you that you are not alone, guide you through processing what you are going through, and provide tools to help you overcome burnout. I’m not a medical expert or a psychologist, and this book is not intended to replace any professional advice. It’s my story of suffering burnout, touching the deep bottom, and resurfacing like the phoenix from the ashes, but more importantly, what I learned from it.

Some messages will resonate, others will spark curiosity, and some won’t apply to you. It’s up to you to filter and extract what’s relevant. Everyone’s experience and circumstances are different and unique, but we all have a common denominator: we want to get out of the tunnel and feel ‘normal’ again. I hope the following pages will help you see the light, provide inspiration, and serve as a catalyst for action. If you only take one thing away from this book is that overcoming burnout requires intentional action.

You’ve got this!

How to get the most out of this book

This book is written as an actionable guide. I suggest you take notes as you read it and stop at the end of each chapter to assess what resonated with you and how it can be applied in practice. Make one commitment at the end of each chapter based on the ‘What you can do’ section. Take some time to review the resources mentioned, as they can provide additional context and supplement my points with data and professional input. All the resources are highly accredited and will enrich your reading experience.



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