Leadership Development Training: A Workshop for DASH Hong Kong

Leadership Development Workshop for DASH Leaders in Hong Kong

In October 2024, I hosted an on-site leadership development training for the DASH team in their Hong Kong offices.

With the rapid growth of the DASH business in Hong Kong, the team has expanded really fast and they hired me to help with the leadership development training. The team was a mix of all functions across the organization, from sales, to marketing, community, customer service and admin.

Based on DASH’s vision and mission statement, and the current opportunities and needs, I developed a 90-minute customized session focused on skilling the leaders with critical competencies to perform efficiently.

The leadership development session covered:

  • Alignment on the vision: how to become the translator of the vision for the teams and connect it to everyday work, initiatives and processes.
  • Enforcement of DASH principles of Dreaam Big, Adaptable, Sustainable and Human-centric: we discussed what each principle means, the challenges to make them come to life in the day-to-day of the business and how to effectively implement them moving forward.
  • Developing a culture of feedback: we discussed an effective approach and model to embrace feedback and make it part of daily conversations, both formally and informally.
  • Practical activities: each of the 4 sessions lead to 1 actionable item to be implemented straight away in order to turn the theory into practice

The session was very interactive with activities to engage, group discussions, self-reflection and peer-to-peer sharing.

The feedback from the participants was very positive as they thought the content was very relevant to their business and easy to implement.

Dash Living is Asia Pacific’s new generation of rental solutions in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and Australia




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